Four Legs Good

Four Legs Good

Latest Episodes

Four Legs Good: Entertainment and Fashion
July 22, 2019

We continue on our journey in learning more about veganism. Veganism is not just about food but other areas of life too. We discuss the exploitation of animals in the areas of entertainment and fashion. Produced and Hosted by Mansi Bhagwate Cover art: @r.

Four Legs Good: Animal Agriculture
May 11, 2019

What’s the big deal with veganism? Mansi Bhagwate unpacks the complex ways our use of animals affects us through personal stories and facts through Four Legs Good

Four Legs Good: Speciesism
March 13, 2019

Veganism is on the rise and 2019 is officially the year of the vegan. If you have always wondered about going vegan or want to learn more about ways to reduce animal exploitation, this is a good place to start

Four Legs Good Episode 3: Sentience
January 29, 2019

To be sentient is to be conscious and feel pain and suffer. Humans are sentient but what about other animals? Are dogs sentient? How about fish? And Octopuses? I came across a pig on death row. Was the pig sentient? Credits: Written and Produced by Mansi.

Four Legs Good Episode 2: Compassion
January 29, 2019

Wouldn't it be great if we could show compassion for all animals, not just humans? Learn why compassion is so important in today's world and how to be more compassionate. Did you know, pre-historic humans cared for their elderly and disabled fellow human.

Four Legs Good Episode 1 Introduction
January 29, 2019

Whats the big deal with veganism? Mansi Bhagwate unpacks the complex ways our use of animals affects us through personal stories and facts through Four Legs Good