Founding Word

Founding Word

Latest Episodes

The UFO & Alien Abduction Phenomenon
September 13, 2015

An examination of UFOs and alien abductions from a historical, scientific and Biblical perspective. All sides of the debate are covered including the possibility of fallen angels. The Bible reports that these activities have happened before. MP3 Download

The Science Of God And The Bible
September 12, 2015

Exploring modern science, physics, astronomy and cosmology to determine the existence of a hyper-dimensional creator and then using those discoveries to prove which human written manuscript could only be a message to the Earth from the Creator Himself. MP

Getting Us All On The Same Page
October 16, 2014

ANNOUNCEMENT: All Video Blogs and Founding Word Podcasts can now also be received through the Roku Channel, iTunes, and YouTube as well as several new mobile options. MP3 Download
