Founding Word

Founding Word

Sermon On The Mount: Prayer & Tongues: Doctrines Of Demons

November 03, 2015

In Matthew 6, Jesus gave instructions on how to pray and specifically HOW NOT to pray. He stressed the importance of keeping it private between you and God and the importance of keeping it real without fake platitudes or repetitive phrases. MATTHEW, MARK, LUKE & JOHN: SESSION 13 MP3 Download SESSION NOTES I. The Rewards In Heaven vs Our Citizenship In Heaven. A. Matthew 6:1 II. How To Give And How Not To Give. A. Matthew 6:2-4 III. How To Pray And How Not To Pray. A. Matthew 6:5-8 B. Public Hypocrisy VS Private Intimacy. C. The Habit Of Heaping Up Empty Phrases: A Danger In Any Language. D. Praying In The Spirit: The Biblical Way VS The Demonic Way. E. Romans 8:26 F. 1st Timothy 4:1-2 IV. What Has Become Known As "The Lord's Prayer". A. Matthew 6:9-15 B. The Command To Pray For The 2nd Coming: "Thy Kingdom Come". C. The Purposes Behind "Allowed" Trials And Temptations. D. The Danger Of Holding Grudges & Unforgiveness. V. How To Fast And How Not To Fast. A. Matthew 6:16-18 VI. How To Make Investments Towards Our Future In Heaven. A. Matthew 6:19-21