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Founding Word

When A Land Is Overtaken By Demonic Possession

October 16, 2015

When Jesus made his way into Galilee, he was confronted by demon-possessed individuals. When a land becomes filled with the worship of false gods, demonic possession soon overtakes it. We also examine Jesus' proverb of wine and wine-skins. MATTHEW, MARK, LUKE & JOHN: SESSION 8 MP3 Download SESSION NOTES I. Early Morning, Jesus Begins A Tour Of Galilee. A. Mark 1:35-39 B. Luke 4:42-44 II. The Reason Why Demonic Possession Was Prevalent In Galilee. A. Matthew 4:23-25 B. I Corinthians 10:15-21 III. The Physics Of Leprosy & It's Historical Use As An Idiom For Sin. A. Matthew 8:1-4 B. Mark 1:40-45 C. Luke 5:12-16 IV. The Faith That Saved A Paralytic Before He Was Healed. A. Matthew 9:1-8 B. Mark 2:1-12 C. Luke 5:17-26 V. The Destiny Of Matthew Begins & Jesus Attends Matthew's "Sinful" Banquet. A. Matthew 9:9-13 B. Mark 2:13-17 C. Luke 5:27-32 VI. The Proverb Of Old And New Wine And Wineskins. A. Matthew 9:14-17 B. Mark 2:18-22 C. Luke 5:33-39