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The Russian / Iranian Alliance

October 06, 2015

Introducing Prophecy Update: a short but thorough summary of Biblically relevant news. In this update we examine the Biblical & Prophetic implications of Russia and Iran joining forces to invade Syria in the name of dealing with ISIS. The United States was told to stay out of the way. PROPHECY UPDATE: 2015-10-05 MP3 Download SESSION NOTES I. Why Bible Prophecy Is Important For Everyone. A. Isaiah 46:9-10 B. II Timothy 3:16 C. I Thessalonians 5:20-21 II. The Burden Against Damascus & Syria. A. Jeremiah 49:23-27 B. Isaiah 17:1-9 III. The Coming Islamic Confederacy Against Israel. A. Psalm 83 B. Ezekiel 25:14 B. Obadiah 1:18 IV. The Russian / Iranian Alliance Against Israel. A. Ezekiel 38