Founding Word

Founding Word

Choosing To Disbelieve

March 30, 2024

After revealing the way to escape God's judgment, Jesus reveals that there are those who've been judged already due to a form of unbelief that's continually self-fed through the love of darkness over the light: laying down the foundation for the Unforgivable Sin. MP3 Download SESSION NOTES I. Exploring Further The Meaning Behind John 3:16. A. John 3:16-18 B. Ephesians 1:13-14 C. Ephesians 2:8-9 II. Lovers Of Darkness VS Lovers Of Light: The Foundational Doctrine Behind The Unforgivable Sin. A. John 3:19-21 B. John 3:36 C. Psalm 14:1 D. Romans 1:20-25