Founder's Field Notes

Founder's Field Notes

Top Startup Secrets Unveiled: Zach Miller's Journey for New Business Success

July 11, 2023

In this episode of Founder's Field Notes, host Jason Klug engages in an insightful conversation with Zach Miller, founder of ZLM Lighting, an Atlanta-based manufacturing representative. Zach's expertise in the lighting industry makes this episode a must-listen for founders and entrepreneurs seeking guidance for their startups. They discuss key aspects of running a successful business, sharing personal stories and highlighting valuable lessons learned along the way.

During the podcast, Zach asks Jason probing questions about his own startup journey, making it a perfect episode for founders looking to grow their businesses and gain practical advice. The conversation emphasizes the importance of selecting team members who align with the company's vision and enrolling in programs like the Goldman Sachs 10,000 Small Business for better financial decision-making. They also touch on the topic of burnout, providing strategies to handle and prevent it.

In his own field notes, Zach highlights the significance of prioritizing wants and responsibilities. Overall, this episode of Founder's Field Notes offers valuable insights, actionable tips, and relatable stories for entrepreneurs at any stage of their journey. Tune in to gain inspiration, learn from their experiences, and propel your business forward.
