40 North Podcast

40 North Podcast

Ep. 008. Should We Vote?

October 19, 2020

While some avoid discussing it at all costs, others can't talk enough about politics.  And for those 2020 has been the Political Superbowl.  But how will it end?  Many will be disappointed, even angry while others have to come to terms with the fact their candidate lost and that means they ultimately did as well.  It is their "team' after all.  But why so sad?  The outcome was just a result of American democracy at its finest, right?

What if there is more to voting than checking a box for someone who represents a party, or pulls on those heartstrings just right?  What if we are not choosing from the best available?  Should we settle for what is put before us and ultimately voted into office through an Electoral College rather than popular vote?  Are we voting someone in, or out, or worse, the "lesser of two evils."

This episode takes on the question of, "Should We Vote?"  A different and far less popular perspective on politics in America.  Tired of the lack of balance and depth in mainstream political conversations, Joe & Tara, set out to answer one simple question.  What they got was a lot more.

Knowing this was a big topic they invited longtime friend and political antagonist, Amir to help.  The objective was clear.  Have an honest, open, non-bias conversation that doesn’t end in broken relationships (or bones)!  And while talking politics may be one of the more dangerous discussions you can have, with the implementation of a “safe word” and the level-headedness of Tara, they have a chance.  And if they can get through it,  there may be hope for others.

After many unexpected rabbit holes, some even surprising them a bit along the way, and very candid conversations, the verdict was clear.  So join as Joe, Tara & Amir offer three complete different political views and takes on politics and the question of "Should We Vote?"





















