For Our City Podcast

For Our City Podcast

A Gospel Lens on the Vulnerable with Alan Cross-Episode 011

December 07, 2017

City transformation is possible when protecting our way of life is no longer our top priority. In this episode of the For Our City podcast, Alan Cross helps us recognize attitudes and biases that keep us from loving our neighbors and helping the most vulnerable people around us, and then offers a way forward.

Alan is a writer, pastor, advocate for racial unity, and champion of the stranger. Few people provide a clearer Gospel lens for serving the vulnerable than Alan Cross.

He is the author of When Heaven and Earth Collide: Racism, Southern Evangelicals, and the Better Way of Jesus.

Alan also gives leadership to the Evangelical Immigration Table, a broad coalition of evangelical organizations and leaders advocating for immigration reform consistent with biblical values.

Follow Alan on Twitter here.

This episode is sponsored by Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary. "Wherever you're going, Southeastern can help you get there."

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