Conversations at the Washington Library

Conversations at the Washington Library

The 2015 SAR Annual Conference on the American Revolution Day 1

June 16, 2015

American Independence would not have been possible without financial and military support from Europe. And without recognition from powerful European nations, the young country would have never achieved an independent status “amongst the powers of the earth.” Because of the strength of European support, Great Britain found itself diplomatically isolated, without an ally in a war that became a global conflict, and with a Navy—which ruled the waves in the 18th century—outnumbered by the combined fleets of America’s friends. While nations looked to their interest, individual Europeans—like the brilliant Frenchman the Marquis de Lafayette--were inspired by the ideals of liberty and equality expressed by the Americans to justify their revolt. The consequences of such enthusiasm would have a lasting impact on Europe, and inspire sympathetic revolutions throughout the Age.

This conference will highlight the well-known alliance between the United States and France as well as lesser-known relationships with the Netherlands, Spain, and other Europeans states and individuals. This event will feature leading international scholars engaged in original and new research on the European dimension of the American Revolution. The proceedings will also celebrate the arrival from France of the replica of the Marquis de Lafayette’s ship, L’Hermione in American waters.
