Football Is America

Football Is America

Now For Something Completely Different

October 22, 2014

Listen to us as we take on our first review podcast of the new regime. 

We will go over some games as well as give our opinions as to why they turned out the way they did, why it doesn’t matter and who should be ashamed of themselves.

Keil will of course talk incessantly about the Colts and I as well, the Bears as one of us exudes extreme glee and the other angered sorrow.

We will give out some awards, including the bonehead of the week, and explain why the NFC South is currently the worst division in football, as well as tell you why Golden Tate is a super troll.  

Keil will for the first time introduce and take the wheel as we steer this flaming chariot into a nuke factory.

Granted we are like to fat guys in bigger samurai suits throwing pancakes at each other, but if we are nothing else we are entertaining!



Ron and Keil