Food: A Cultural Culinary History

Food: A Cultural Culinary History

Latest Episodes

Yin and Yang of Classical Chinese Cuisine
October 02, 2017

Chinese culture has produced what is arguably the most complex, sophisticated, and varied culinary tradition on earth. In this podcast we’re going to trace the rise of civilization in China from the Hsia to the Han dynasty.

Dining in Republican and Imperial Rome
October 02, 2017

In this episode we’re going to Ancient Rome, where we’ll delve into some intriguing contrasts in the dining habits of the ancient Romans. We’ll examine the simple food customs of republican Rome, and then trace the expanding empire and learn how exotic...

Early Christianity—Food Rituals and Asceticism
October 02, 2017

In today’s podcast we’re going to observe the role of food in Jesus’s parables and miracles, as well as in the ritual of the Eucharist.

Europe’s Dark Ages and Charlemagne
October 02, 2017

The fall of Rome and the rise of Germanic tribal kingdoms brought significant culinary changes to Europe. In this podcast episode we’re going to examine the “barbarian” diet and the culture of “fast and feast” which emerged from the opposing ideals of ...

Islam—A Thousand and One Nights of Cooking
October 02, 2017

In this podcast we’re going to examine the Islamic take on food and cooking. We’ll contemplate the Muslim cultural values that permitted pleasure and the cultivation of the senses, and we’ll look at their creation of an exquisite cuisine.

Carnival in the High Middle Ages
October 02, 2017

In today’s podcast, we’re going to learn about great innovations in medieval European cooking. We’ll see how contact with Islamic civilization during the crusades and the Reconquista, changed European cooking forever.

International Gothic Cuisine
October 02, 2017

Ironically, the horrific bubonic plagues in 14th-century Europe produced societal shifts that led to a resplendent era in food. In today’s podcast we’re going to look at the influence of three seminal Gothic era cookbooks and the craze for spices and s...

A Renaissance in the Kitchen
October 02, 2017

The Italian Renaissance brought a new aesthetic approach to cookery, featuring great complexity of presentation. In this podcast we’re going to uncover some of the era’s extremes in books by Renaissance food writers.

Aztecs and the Roots of Mexican Cooking
October 02, 2017

At the exact same time as the European Renaissance, the Aztec culture produced a unique food tradition that survives to this very day in Mexican cuisine. In this podcast, we’re going to learn about Aztec society, its indigenous foodstuffs,

1492—Globalization and Fusion Cuisines
October 02, 2017

It was actually humanity’s desire for spices and other luxury items that eventually connected the entire globe. In this episode we’re going to investigate the powerful trading empires of the Venetians and Portuguese that secured stable routes to the sp...