Food Life Podcast

Food Life Podcast

Latest Episodes

Wake Up Call - Stephanie's Story
April 28, 2019

Stephanie O’Brien’s cancer diagnosis five years ago was, according to her, an awakening.  Her response to her dis-ease (as she now refers to it) was immediate changes to how she was living her life.  Those changes included what she ate, who she hung out w

Move That Mountain - Lessons From A Mustard Seed
April 21, 2019

Ok, this episode all started when I found the small mustard seed pendant that my Granny gave me when I was a little girl.  I’ve had this little charm tucked in a jewelry box for decades, moving it back and forth across the country several times yet someho

View From The Top
April 14, 2019

A view from the top of the Empire State Building reminded me of how important it is to get some ‘altitude’ in life sometimes!  It’s easy for me to get wrapped up in the small stuff – to lose sight of the ‘forest for the trees’. How can I (we) rise above

Borders, Boundaries and Braised Pork Bowls
April 07, 2019

This is NOT a political podcast HOWEVER in this episode, we will converse a bit about borders (immigration), boundaries (as in personal boundaries), and talk about how “food is our common ground” (to quote James Beard). You’ll hear more of my conversation

Good Food For Good: Interview with Izabela Wojcik
March 31, 2019

This is my first podcast featuring an interview and I’m so excited to share it with you!  I’m talking with Izabela Wojcik from the James Beard House in NYC. She’s the person who’s in charge of finding all the great chefs who get to cook their food at the

THE BIG “Cs – Cancer & Cauliflower”
March 10, 2019

The Big Cs !    Cancer … and Cauliflower!  It’s been 7 years since my breast cancer diagnosis.  Plus, a dear friend of mine was just diagnosed with breast cancer metastasized in her bones so cancer is on my mind and heart right now.  The American Cancer .

The Snowball Effect
March 03, 2019

The Snowball Effect!  This episode is inspired by the February 2019 snowstorm that happened where I live in Oregon.  As I walked through my neighborhood after about 3 ½ feet of snow had fallen I witnessed some sweet acts of kindness and made some other o.

Define Your Space - Armadillo Bread
February 24, 2019

Armadillos. Homemade yeast bread. And the power of vulnerability. What?! In this episode of the Food.Life.Podcast, the lowly armadillo comes into play as we learn how tomake the easiest yeast bread ever while exploring the idea of setting up what we’re w.

Hard Conversations Part 2
February 17, 2019

In this episode we finish our Hard Conversations conversation and talk about ‘Busting Through Fear’ in order to have those hard talks.  I also share a couple of my favorite comfort food recipes including my mom’s (Memaw) baked spaghetti. I’ll warn you – .

Hard Conversations
February 10, 2019

This is Part 1 of a 2-part series on HARD CONVERSATIONS. You know, those life conversations wed rather avoid. But whats life if not one hard conversation after another! Dont avoid this podcast though, as I WALK WITH GUS (my chocolate lab) and t.