Five Element Alchemy™

Five Element Alchemy™

Latest Episodes

2.14 Complimentary Alchemical Lightning Transmission ~ March 19th
March 29, 2022

Recorded LIVE on Rumble on March 19th.COLLECTIVE CHANNELED HEALING SESSION Saturdays 11am Central & Wednesdays 7pm Central Join Pauline to receive and relax in this healing energy transmission. Pauline sees one-body for all in attendance. Transmission

2.13 Alchemical Lightning Transmission - March 12th
March 12, 2022

COLLECTIVE CHANNELED HEALING SESSION Saturdays 11am Central & Wednesdays 7pm Central Join Pauline to receive and relax in this healing energy transmission. Pauline sees one-body for all in attendance. Transmissions are based on those attending live.

2.12 Alchemical Lightning Transmission - March 9th
March 09, 2022

COLLECTIVE CHANNELED HEALING SESSION Typically not recorded yet received message to leave this one up. Saturdays 11am Central & Wednesdays 7pm Central Join Pauline to receive and relax in this healing energy transmission. Pauline sees one-body for al

2.11 The Pendulum Of Awareness
March 01, 2022

The pendulum swinging is a massive opportunity for awareness and perspective. A massive swing is not so fun, yet necessary. We don't know what we don't know until we know it.Oneness does not mean robot. You are unique and created this way! The journey is

2.10 Tired, Exhausted & Depleted? Do This For Your Water Element.
February 13, 2022

We just entered the Wood Element month and year, and the Water Element is the Mother of the Wood Element. There is a chance that if you are feeling tired, exhausted, and depleted that you may now be f

2.9 Frustrated? Meeting Resistance? Wood Element X 3 This Year
February 10, 2022

Growth or nothing is the only option. Change is afoot but you may need to tap into your will-power and resources. Gather your strength. Open your mind. Find your way. Banging your head against the wal

2.8 You. Are. Amazing!
February 01, 2022

You are unique and special! How do you know that for yourself? How do you have strength, fortitude, and personal conviction? What if you are receiving DEEP messages from within your BE-ing guiding you

2.7 What’s Up With January’s Metal Ox?! And, The Water Tiger #2
January 19, 2022

The energy is on and off right now. Are you feeling it? What if you knew the energy of this entire year is wrapped up into this month, January?More on the Water Tiger with our TRIPLE Tiger. This is the second video talking about the Water Tiger of 2022.

2.6 How I Lost My Voice On FB
January 12, 2022

Be YOU but only a little bit of YOU. Don't say too much or express your ideas and thoughts. Free speech is the way to go and, if you don't like it, leave. No one is holding anyone to the fire on social media. Let's all get our voices, thoughts and opinion

2.5 The Power Of THREE Tigers!!! Change Is In The Air. It Is Here.
January 10, 2022

January is the month of the Ox in the Chinese calendar and the last month of 2021. The Ox can be stubborn, profoundly individual, and psychic. It's quite a combo. And, we are in an Ox year; it's a double-whammy this month. Are you feeling a heightened awa