Flying and Life Podcast
Latest Episodes
70 - AirVenture 21 - First impressions and Takeaways
Dan, Gregg and Mike just talk about their first few days at OSH and What they are looking forward to for the week.
69- EAA AirVenture 2021 Arrival
This episode Dan and I fly the Fisk VFR arrival into KOSH. width="225"]
68 - Hello is this thing on???
In this episode, Life Link to Joe's Book News: - AIN - AOPA Airventure Topic: Knowing aircraft, capacity and performance Patreon You can find show notes for this episode
67 - Just an Aviation Conversation
In this episode, NEWS: Oceanic Tracks Patreon You can find show notes for this episode at flying and You can find me on Twitter @flyingandlife Or you can email...
66- Winter Ops are Coming
In this episode, News: Serial Number Topic- Winter operations Deice Runway conditions code (RCAM Matix) Special winter operations airports Winter Passenger weights - 5lb increase (2.2 kilos) Feedback- ...
65 - Non-Standard Operations
In this episode, News: Topic- Non-Standard Flying Ferry flights Maintenance and position Charters Test Flights Patreon
64 - ETOPS
In this episode, News: YouTube- Topic: ETOPS Aircraft Needs- Balanced vs Unbalanced ETOPS
63 - Airline Dispatchers Federation
Flying and life Episode 63 – News: Topic: Catherine Jackson President of ADF: After years of hoping to find time and money for flight lessons, Catherine finally decided to stop waiting and walked into the pilot shack at...
62 - Skills to be a Dispatcher
News: Airline earnings week: JetBlue - reports tomorrow Airline Loss Cash on Hand Cash burn per day AAL 2.7 or 4.3 B 10.2 B 30 mil/day DAL 3.9 or 7 B 15.7 B 43 for Q 27M end of June SWA ...
61 - Highs and Lows of Aviation
News: Feedback Links Justin Cook Topic The ups and down of the industry and what lies ahead and really just conversation about what we are hearing and what we are feeling and an personal update You can find show...