Flatirons Syndicate Motorsport Podcast

Flatirons Syndicate Motorsport Podcast

The Send-It Mentality Vs. The Pursuit of Perfection

June 18, 2021


When you are getting ready to go to the track for a track-day or even a race, does your car have to be perfect before you put it on the trailer?

This has been a topic for discussion here lately, and it has broken down into two groups. Those that think that yes, the car has to be prefect and running 100% to go to an event, and those that say no, you just get it as close as possible, and then figure it out once you get there. We'll put them in the Send it camp.

What became clear when we started to talk about this was that this is a subject that many people, customers and competitors alike, have run into. And because everyone seems to have a side that they fall on, we decided to talk about it for episode #33 of the Flatirons Syndicate Motorsports Podcast.

Thanks for listening and Stay Tuned!