Flash/Black :radio:

Love By Another Name A.K.A. Silk Bonnets
On 7-29-2019, The Usual Suspects got together to discuss the dynamics of victim-shaming versus accountability by discussing Antoine Fuqua/Nicole Murphy/Lela Rochon, and brought that around to everything from male socialization, infidelity, child rearing and emotional equity. We cover a lot of ground here, but it's a worthwhile conversation that we'd love your feedback on. Check out what we have to say, and let us know if anything resonated with you. Do you agree or disagree with something we said? Let us know in the comments on www.flashblackradio.com, or hit us up on IG (@FlashBlackRadio), Twitter (@FlashBlackRadio) or Facebook (search "FlashBlack") to keep the conversation going!#BlackPodcasts #BlackPodcast #BlackPods #SYMHM #FlashBlackRadio ##NicoleMurphy #LelaRochon #AntoineFuqua #SilkBonnets #LoveLanguages #Communication #JerrodCarmichael #SermonOnTheMount #Infidelity