Baseball Pitching: The Fix

Baseball Pitching: The Fix

Baseball Pitching Velocity Programs and Products Reviewed - What You Need To Know

May 12, 2017

Are you a baseball pitcher looking for an edge through a velocity program or product? Then this is the episode for you.    Trending Topics   Wei-Yin Chen - dead arm, tired arm, or elbow injury? Angel explains why there may have been confusion about Chen's injury, as well as the warning signs to heed in pitchers with similar symptoms.   Cole Hamels' oblique injury. Angel talks about how and why a pitcher injures the oblique -- either side -- as well as the associated risks involved. She also explains how the obliques work in trunk rotation, acceleration, and deceleration.    Noah Syndergaard's lat injury, which leads into ...   Teaching Moment   How and why do pitchers injure their lat muscle? Angel goes into detail explaining what the lat muscle is, where it is located, what it is connected to, and its role in the pitching motion. Further, she explains how pitchers can strain and injure the lat -- as well as, how to prevent injury to it and what to do when it does get injured.  Getting It Done (with Science) There are dozens, if not hundreds, of programs, devices, gadgets, contraptions, and other products that are designed with the intention to improve baseball pitching velocity and performance. Which, if any, should you invest in, and why or why not?