Baseball Pitching: The Fix

Baseball Pitching: The Fix

PItching Mechanics Explained by a Kinesiologist

August 03, 2014

Pitching motion expert Angel Borrelli and baseball bloggerJoeJanish talk about pitching mechanics. The show beginswithdiscussion of Tyler Skaggs' decision to walk off the moundwhile inthe middle of pitching a no-hitter. That leads into anexplanationof a "pronator mass strain," which was Skaggs' initialdiagnosis aswell as the injury suffered by Cliff Lee. Angel thendescribes somesigns that a pitcher may be fatigued and/or about toinjurehimself; and what a coach should do in such a situation.Further,Angel explains how a pitcher should be brought back fromsuch aninjury. The show closes with Joe and Angel talking about thetheorythat MLB pitchers will inevitably suffer decreasedperformance oncethey reach age 30 -- including recommendations byAngel that canresult in pitchers maintaining or increasing theirperformance asthey age.More information and podcasts at http://fixingpitchers.comBaseball Pitching: The Fix Season 1 Episode 17 (#017)