Fixer Upper Marriage

Fixer Upper Marriage

Latest Episodes

The Love Story of Adam and Eve
March 19, 2024

The Love Story of Adam and Eve Made for Each Other Bible Love Stories Volume One This is the first episode in a series (Bible Love Stories). Link to my new book, Marriage and the Fruit of the Spirit.

Spelling Love without the I
September 11, 2021

Leave the marketplace of love and find something completely different and amazing. Learn how to love without the "I".

How Conflict Can Change You and Your Marriage
January 01, 2021

Marriage conflict is a terrible thing. Or is it? Maybe the conflict is really about something entirely different than what you think it is! Find out what marriage conflict is all about and how it can

Lost that Lovin’ Feelin’?
October 25, 2020

What do you do when you feel your love slipping away, or you wake up one day and realize youve lost it? How do you get it back? How do you put two broken hearts back together again?

Six Prayers that Could End Your Marriage Problems for Good
September 20, 2020

End your marriage problems by putting these six prayers into action. It's time to learn how to let go of your marriage and put it into the hands of God.

11 Ways to Keep Money from Destroying Your Marriage
July 19, 2020

What does money have to do with love? It has everything to with it if you let it. Learn how to keep money problems from destroying what you have.

Help! We Don’t Have Anything in Common Anymore!
May 13, 2020

If you are not careful your love can get broken and you will find yourself married to a person that you feel like you have nothing in common with. Its like everything pushes you apart and you lose th

Did You Marry the Wrong Person?
April 12, 2020

It's the question that married couples are thinking but not saying. When love and marriage go wrong, you must discover something deeper and more meaningful to go on. This is the turning point in your

Three Thieves of True Love
March 17, 2020

If you have love, you have something that everyone in this world is after. So you have to protect it from thieves. You have to hold it so tightly that no one can take it from you. These are the three

Fear, Love, and Plain Vanilla Ice Cream
February 29, 2020

This is about fear in marriage and life. This is about how love wins over fear. And a story about plain vanilla ice cream!
