Five Things to Remember

Five Things to Remember

Podcast – Living to be over 100 years old: Dr. Artemis Morris

July 07, 2015

I am so excited about our interview with Dr. Artemis Morris, a Naturopathic Physician and co-author of  The Anti-inflammatory Book for Dummies.  Dr. Morris is an expert on the Mediterranean Diet whose family is from the Greek Island of Crete.  She spoke with me about what the healthiest people in the world ate on a weekly basis.  She also tells us about her Aunt from Crete who recently passed away at 107 years old. She interviewed her at the age of 104 and reveals her secrets to a long and happy life.

Typical day of eating on the Island of Crete:


Typical Breakfast:

Bread: Baked or toasted (harder toast), whole grain bread

Local cheese: Raw, local sheep or goat’s milk cheese (high fat cheese)

Tea: Local Cretan tea, chamomile

Local sheep or goat milk

Largest Meal in Afternoon:

Wed: Macaroni Day

Fri: Fish Day

Sunday: Free range chicken or lamb

Most other days beans are the main part of the meal.


Nuts, seeds, fruit (all locally picked)

Typical Lunch:

Horta (Wild edible greens)



French Fries fried in olive oil or rice

Olives and whole grain bread


Smaller meal (usually leftovers from lunch)

Greek salad (feta cheese, lettuce, tomatoes, cucumbers, onions, olives, oregano, olive oil)


Mild to moderate consumption of alcohol along with a traditional Mediterranean Diet reduces risk of heart disease and diabetes.


Women: 1 drink per day

Men: 1-2 drinks per day

Local wine made from grapes

Moonshine: Made from leftovers of wine making process. Digestive aid.

Moderation is key


Walking 5 miles or more plus harvesting/cooking


Next time we will be speaking with Dr. Morris about olive oil and how to fry (yes fry) french fries.

Dr. Ancel Keys Study on Mediterranean Diet

