FIU Insights

FIU Insights

Election 2020: South Carolina, Super Tuesday and Battleground Florida

February 28, 2020

With Democratic hopefuls focused on South Carolina’s primary on Saturday, the race for president turns decidedly national next week, as more than 40 percent of the population goes to the polls on Super Tuesday. Senator Bernie Sanders has emerged as the front-runner, though his recent comments on Cuba and the legacy of Fidel Castro sent Democrats in Florida – and especially in South Florida - into a tailspin.

How will Hispanics in the nation’s biggest battleground state respond to Sanders’ self-described “Democratic socialism”? Who among the candidates is in the best position to slow Sanders down on Super Tuesday? With the debate stage getting increasingly contentious, how might the primary squabbling help President Trump? Who among his Democratic rivals would be his dream opponent and who does he fear the most?

FIU experts in elections, campaigning and polling will assess where the candidates stand and what might happen when Floridians go to the polls on March 17.

Kathryn DePalo
University Instructor, Politics and International Relations
Steven J. Green School of International & Public Affairs

Eduardo Gamarra
Professor, Politics and International Relations
Steven J. Green School of International & Public Affairs

Dario Moreno Associate
Professor, Politics and International Relations
Steven J. Green School of International & Public Affairs

David J. Kramer
Senior Fellow and Moderator
Steven J. Green School of International & Public Affairs