FITtalk with coach Sheba

FITtalk with coach Sheba

Latest Episodes

Pick the right weight for your workout
May 12, 2024

In this episode, let’s learn how to pick the right weight for your workout. Often, we’re clueless about the weight for the prescribed workout. While a coach can help with this, understanding the logic behind it can help you improve your strength.

What’s your grip?
April 21, 2024

Want to improve your deadlifts? Try the different grips and see which one gives you a better lift:

Biomechanics of running
April 15, 2024

Most of us like to run. Understanding the basic biomechanics of running could help you run optimally without any injuries.

Importance of training the respiratory muscles
April 07, 2024

Post COVID theres so much awareness on improving and managing lung function. In this episode, Im discussing on how to train the respiratory muscles and what happens when you do train them!

Five tips to “ageing well”
April 01, 2024

Worried about growing old? Listen to this episode to understand how you can prepare yourself from now to enjoy your senior years!

What does “engage your core” mean?
March 25, 2024

A cue thats given very often, and a cue il thats not completed understood mostly. Lets understand what it actually means and how it helps us!

What does progress mean?
March 18, 2024

Progress at the gym looks different for each one. Im discussing some of the most important points of progress. Let me know what you think!

5 things that mean you’re doing well in life
March 12, 2024

Yayyy this is my 50th episode! I am super thrilled. The best way to celebrate I thought was to make a grateful episode. Most often, we forget to pause and appreciate our life, lets take time to do that NOW!

What does transformation mean to you?
March 03, 2024

This is a question I put up in my insta story and got some very interesting responses. Lets discuss!

Embrace discipline for growth
February 27, 2024

We brush discipline aside and wonder why we dont see results! In this episode, Im sharing three points thatll help you embrace discipline for your overall growth.