Fitness Business Blueprint with Justin Devonshire

Fitness Business Blueprint with Justin Devonshire

Latest Episodes

Get More Leads Than Ever in 30 Days Doing These 5 Things Daily
July 25, 2024

If I needed as many leads for my fitness studio as possible in the next 30 days, I would do these 5 THINGS every day: This is simple, and doesn't take much time at all. If you do this consistently for 30 days, you'll gain at least 10-20 new clie

Your September Launch Starts NOW [Game plan revealed]
July 22, 2024

The best gyms are plotting their September promotions right NOW. Whilst other trainers dawdle through the summer, we're planning out exactly how we're going to get 20-30 new high ticket clients signed up BEFORE September! Tune in for the game pl

Use a Free Facebook Group to Get 5 Clients a Week [Full Strategy]
July 11, 2024

For gym owners who want to get 5 new clients a week using only a FREE Facebook group... Listen to today's podcast to learn how to set up your group, what to post, and how to convert leads into sales every day of the week (your competitors are TOO LAZ

How to Charge More With ACCOUNTABILITY In Your Gym
July 05, 2024

If your town is saturated with gyms and you need to stand out... the best way is to deliver MORE value than any other studio or trainer. This video shows you how gyms and studios will innovate over the next 5 years to stay ahead. Ready to get 50 HIGH-PA

How to Charge The Most in a Saturated Town
July 03, 2024

If your area is over-saturated with gyms, studios and challenges, THIS episode shows you exactly what to do. I'll reveal the 4-step framework that allows you to be the MOST expensive in town AND demolish the competition instantly. P.S. If you're

7-Figure Fitness Studio CHECKLIST
June 11, 2024

This is the step-by-step checklist of what you need to put in place for a 7-figure fitness studio. Get the PDF (and video training) of the checklist HERE <<Join our gym-owners FB group for more content! #fitnessmarketing

The #1 BEST Way to Get PT Clients
June 09, 2024

Create a custom gameplan to DOUBLE your gym revenue for FREE with Justin here: Join our gym-owners FB group for more content! #fitnessmarketing #gymmarketing #personaltrainermarketing

Complete Guide to Hiring For Your Studio (Who & In What Order)
June 06, 2024

To enjoy a fully-outsourced business so you can take time off and be free, requires you to hire the right team. Unfortunately, most studio owners aren't told WHO they need to hire, and WHEN to hire them. I give you complete clarity in this short epi

This Sales Funnel Gets 5 New PT Clients a Week
June 05, 2024

This is BY FAR the FASTEST way to get high-ticket personal training clients right now. To see the funnel described, check out the video on Youtube: Want to see how this funnel will work in your studio? Let's set up your

How to Make FREE TRIALS Work in 2024
May 29, 2024

Have you ever tried offering a "Free trial' for your personal training or fitness studio... BUT you get unqualified leads and nobody ever becomes a client? Me too. Until I tweaked the method and came up with this 6-step formula for turning free