First Online With Fran

First Online With Fran

Carla Debbie Alleyne: Stand Together for Fairness

November 15, 2023

"Artivism is a combination of Art and Activism. I wrote about Bayard Rustin who served as the right hand of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. for many years. He was a gay Quaker from Pennsylvania and a black man who was instrumental in organizing the March On Washington. Many had issues with Bayard working with Dr. King due to his sexuality. However, it was Bayard's influence that brought celebrities, politicians, and the like to support The March on Washington. Bayard was an amazing singer who combined his art and activism to change the world. Hence, the title The Artivist for my One-Man show."

Carla Debbie Alleyne is a playwright, screenwriter, and director who received her B.F.A. and M.F.A. in Film and Television and Dramatic Writing from New York University. Carla's play Hey, Little Walter was produced Off-Broadway at Playwright's Horizon as part of the Young Playwrights Festival when she was 16 years old.