Firewalls Don't Stop Dragons Podcast

Firewalls Don't Stop Dragons Podcast

Latest Episodes

Vehicle Privacy Report
May 29, 2023

Modern cars are more like smartphones on wheels. Like our cell phones, they are chock full of sensors, computer chips and software, and they're connected to the internet 24/7 via cellular modems. What

Problems with Passkeys
May 22, 2023

Everyone hates dealing with passwords. This has led to a mad search for 'password-killer' technology. After several failed attempts, there's finally a worthy contender: passkeys. The technology has be

Probing the Ministry of Truth
May 15, 2023

In the book "1984" (published in 1949), George Orwell envisioned a Big Brother that would control the media and dictate what was "truth". But Orwell didn't predict that "telescreens" would fit in our

Blocking Google Popups
May 08, 2023

Have you noticed Google getting really pushy lately with offers to "sign in with Google"? You're not alone. Many websites offer the ability to create a free account so that you can "personalize your e

STOPping Mass Surveillance
May 01, 2023

There's a big difference between mass surveillance and targeted surveillance based on a court-approved, limited-scope search warrant. But advances in technology have made warrant-less, dragnet surveil

How to Avoid Juice Jacking
April 24, 2023

Our smartphones have become indispensable tools for our daily lives - so seeing that dreaded red battery indicator can induce some serious anxiety. But before you jack your phone into some public USB

Securing the Internet of Things
April 17, 2023

As cybersecurity experts love to say, the "S" in "IoT" stands for security... meaning there is none. I've seen estimates that say there were almost 30 billion IoT devices on the internet in 2022. I ha

Reviewing Mullvad Browser
April 10, 2023

Right after releasing my episode on web fingerprinting, highly-respected VPN provider Mullvad teamed up with Tor to release a new web browser, specifically designed to protect your privacy - including

Privacy Peeps Panel
April 03, 2023

On today's show, I'll take you behind the scenes of not one, not two, but three different privacy websites. I ask Nate from The New Oil and Niek from Privacy Guides how they deal with being a public f

Fingerprinting Your Devices
March 27, 2023

Marketers are desperately trying to follow us as we traverse the web. Tracking where we go and what we do allows them to better target us with ads. Browsers have built in protections to block older tr
