Firewalls Don't Stop Dragons Podcast

Firewalls Don't Stop Dragons Podcast

Latest Episodes

March 19, 2018

Have you ever really stopped to consider the sheer amount of data Facebook has on you? How long have you had your Facebook account? How many pictures have you posted and tagged? How many relationships have you had? Facebook has all that data,

March 12, 2018

If a vote falls in a ballot box, but there’s no one there to see it - does it count? Marian Schneider, President of Verified Voting, explains why so many of our national voting systems have absolutely no way of being audited.

March 05, 2018

Facebook has wants your face. Guess we should have seen that coming. While Facebook has been using face recognition for years now, it began notifying users in December of much broader use of this technology. Of course,

Security Tips from a Professional Hacker
February 26, 2018

Should you cover your webcam? Is anti-virus software worth the money? How do you know if you’ve been hacked? How do you know what software you can trust? We’ll cover all of these topics and more with Patrick Wardle,

February 19, 2018

You know the best way to limit what malware can do on your system? Limit what YOU can do! Software on computers generally inherits the privileges of the current user. The problem is that the default account that comes with all computers has full admini...

February 12, 2018

Do you know where your software’s been? If you’re downloading your apps and driver software from third parties, you may be getting more than you bargained for. Software download sites may be attaching unwanted extras to your installers in order to make...

February 09, 2018

Our mobile phones today are chock full of private information and are constantly tattling about our whereabouts and activities. Most phones today have GPS, WiFi, Bluetooth, motion detectors, magnetic field detectors, microphones, cameras,

February 05, 2018

It's that time of year again: tax time. And that means it's also high season for identity thieves and scammers. Millions of people are affected by fake tax return filings every year. Phone and email scams lure unsuspecting victims to give awa...

January 29, 2018

Data Privacy Day is upon us, and today is the day you take back your online privacy. And I’m going to help you do it. There’s no more standing on the sidelines and hoping someone else will fix this for you.

January 26, 2018

Bitcoin has been all over the news lately, and rightly so. The digital “coin” was worth $1000 a year ago, and peaked at nearly $20,000 last month - an increase of 2000% in one year! And yet it’s lost almost half that value in the last two weeks.
