Firewalls Don't Stop Dragons Podcast

Firewalls Don't Stop Dragons Podcast

Latest Episodes

Enter the Panopticon (Part 1)
March 10, 2019

In the first part of my discussion with Bill Budington from the EFF, we're going to talk about some of the key ways in which we are tracked around the web as we surf from site to site. I'll ask Bill who is tracking up, why they're tracking us,

Account Defense in Depth
March 03, 2019

The Mayor of Tampa, Florida, had this Twitter account hacked due to "the usual weaknesses, including poor passwords." The hackers used the account to tweet pornographic images and even an incoming ballistic missile alert.

Guiding the Development of AI
February 24, 2019

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has been around for decades, but has only recently begun to fulfill the promise of truly replicating human-like decision making. The Information Age has generated enormous quantities of data and modern technology has given ...

Toying With Security
February 17, 2019

The European Union has recalled a GPS smart watch meant to be worn by children so that their parents can keep tabs on them. Unfortunately, due to horrible security, anyone can track these watches - and even send messages to the children.

You Must Stop Reusing Passwords
February 10, 2019

Last week I told you about the literally billions of email addresses and passwords that were released by hackers as "Collections 1-5". I also told you how you can check to see if your information was contained in these (or other dumped data) by checkin...

You Have Been Pwned
February 03, 2019

Last week we saw perhaps the single largest data breach dump in history, close on the heels of another massive data disclosure from the same group. Dubbed "Collections 1-5", together these data dumps represent literally billions of unique user email ad...

Data Privacy Day Pod-Centennial!
January 28, 2019

We're celebrating international Data Privacy Day along with the 100th episode of Firewalls Don't Stop Dragons! And what a show we have! My guest today is none other than Bruce Schneier: internationally renowned security technologist and author of 14 bo...

Delete My DNA, Please
January 21, 2019

Ancestry analysis firm 23andMe has just inked a 4-year, $300M deal to share its DNA samples with the colossal pharmaceutical company GlaxoSmithKline. What are they going to do your genetic material? Good question.

Ghost on the Wire
January 14, 2019

Last month Australia passed a sweeping surveillance law, quickly and without meaningful debate, called the Assistance and Access Act. Like the UK's Investigatory Powers Act of 2016. this law aims to give authorities unprecedented power to force makers ...

Google is Watching You
January 07, 2019

Just because you're not paranoid doesn't mean they're not following you. A new study finds that Android phones tattle on you up to 340 times a day.
