Firewalls Don't Stop Dragons Podcast

Firewalls Don't Stop Dragons Podcast

Latest Episodes

De-Google Your Life (Part 4)
April 04, 2022

I wrap up my de-Google project this week with two biggies: Google Drive and Google Docs. I decided to reduce my Google data footprint as one of my 2022 New Year's resolutions, so I've done a ton of re

Teaching & Preaching Privacy
March 28, 2022

Today I'm speaking with a fellow privacy evangelist: Henry from Techlore. Like me, Henry and his team are on a mission to teach regular, everyday people how to secure their data and improve their priv

De-Google Your Life (Part 3)
March 21, 2022

One of my New Year's resolutions for 2022 is to reduce my Google footprint - to try to de-Google my life as best I can - and hopefully inspire you to do the same. In today's show, I'll talk about repl

Computer Security Goes Microscopic
March 14, 2022

We didn't use to think too much about physical computer security because most computers were safely stored in our homes or businesses. But many people today use laptops which can be lost or stolen whi

My De-Google Strategy
March 07, 2022

As my de-Google project progresses, I realized that I skipped the most important step: reconnaissance. Before you can de-Google your life, you need to first make a list of the Google products and serv

Securing Your Mobile Device
February 28, 2022

Your cell phone is a super computer and phenomenally powerful tracking device. Even George Orwell wouldn't have dreamed that telescreens would be pocket sized and that citizens would willingly carry t

De-Google Your Life (Part 2)
February 21, 2022

One of my big goals for 2022 was to minimize my Google footprint. In the last news show, I covered Google Search, Chrome and Android. In today's show, I'll tackle two other big ones: Google's email (G

Free & Open Source Software
February 14, 2022

You may not know it, but our world has already been basically taken over by free and open source software, or FOSS - specifically, the Linux operating system. Just about every single electronic applia

De-Google Your Life
February 07, 2022

One of my New Year's Resolutions for 2022 is to minimize my Google footprint. In reality, it's very difficulty to completely avoid Google products, if you include things like Google Analytics, Google'

Searching for Privacy
January 31, 2022

We tell our search engines a lot of very personal things. They arguably know more about us than our best friends and significant others do. A history of your search terms can reveal so much about you,
