Fire Talk Radio

Fire Talk Radio

Latest Episodes

Frank Sumrall Teaches About Heaven
April 21, 2014

Life is a vapour. It is here and then it's gone. This World is not our home. But there is an eternal one and God desires for all of us to spend it with Him! In this episode we will teach where those who die in Christ and love Him go when they die. We will

Jesus Is The Resurrection And The Life
April 21, 2014

Jesus is not in the grave any more. He is risen. Praise God! Join me as we read scriptures from the Holy bible and go on a journey of the resurrection and the life of Jesus.

The Ultimate Sacrifice And Victory
April 18, 2014

NOTE: Sorry for coughing at beginning. I will edit episode ASAP and upload it. Today we celebrate Good Friday and Jesus' sacrifice. He willingly lay down His life for us. No one took it from Him. The Lamb slain before the foundations of the World. He took

Jesus' Triumphal Entry
April 13, 2014

When Jesus road into Jerusalem on a Donkey He fulfilled prophesy. What does the symbol of a palm branch mean? Join me today as I share about these things.

Should Christians Drink Alcohol?
April 12, 2014

Many Christians, including those in the five fold ministry, drink alcohol. Do you think it is okay for Christians to drink alcohol? What about Christians drinking alcohol for medical reasons? A little wine for the stomach? What about in different Countrie

Frank Sumrall - Special Guest On Fire Talk Radio
April 05, 2014

We are very excited to announce that Frank Sumrall will be our very special guest once again. The last time he was here and taught the anointing was so strong and beautiful. It was a powerful night! We are very much looking forward to this. "Frank Sumrall

The Anointing Gives Us Power To Overcome
March 29, 2014

Jesus said in this world we will have trouble but to be of good cheer because He has overcome the world. He also said that those who overcome will rule and reign with Him forever! This episode will give you scriptural keys to apply to your life and powerf

Special Guest: Frank Sumrall On Fire Talk Radio
March 22, 2014

"Frank Sumrall (pictured with his beautiful wife) has a burning passion of outreach for souls, a tireless energy, and a mighty anointing of the Holy Ghost on his life. He preaches a powerful Biblical message and is used of God in the Gifts of the Spirit.

You Reap What You Sow--With Special Guest Pastor John Hawkins
March 08, 2014

What is the tithe? Where does the tithe go? Is tithing for today? Join us tonight as we explore what the Holy Bible says in the Old and New Testament about tithing, sowing, reaping and rebuking the devourer. If you have any prayer requests, testimonies,

Developing An Insatiable Appetite For God
March 07, 2014

Are you tired of not experiencing God like people in the Bible? Have you ever felt that a life of intamacy with God and Holiness is unatainable? In this show we will discus biblical keys to igniting a hunger for the one who passionately has persued us and