Fire Talk Radio

Fire Talk Radio

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The Kingdom Gathering Bible Study- Hosted by Frank Sumrall -Week 2
July 01, 2014

Frank Sumrall will be hosting a Bible Study via conference call tonight at 6:00P.M. It is scheduled for an hour but may go over depending on the leading of the Holy Spirit. Join us tonight for a powerful time of the Word and His Presence. Brother Frank wi

Frank Sumrall- Intimacy With God- Part 4
June 30, 2014

Adam and I are VERY excited to announce that Frank Sumrall will be our guest Monday, June 30th at 8:00P.M. on Fire Talk Radio. He will expound on his teaching on the subject of Intimacy With God. But as always, since we follow the Holy Spirit and do what

Have You Had Your Own Personal Pentecost? REPLAY
June 29, 2014

In the Book of Acts Chapter 2 it speaks of the Day of Pentecost when everybody was in one accord and then suddenly there came a sound from Heaven as of a mighty rushing wind and there appeared unto them cloven tongues like as of fire that rested upon each

Don't Drink Poison & Expect Other Person To Die- REPLAY
June 28, 2014

Are you holding onto unforgiveness? Have you still not forgiven yourself for things you have done wrong? Do you feel like you have done so many things wrong you are unforgiveable? If you answered yes to any of these questions join us tonight as we search

The Kingdom Gathering Bible Study- Hosted by Frank Sumrall-Week 1
June 24, 2014

Frank Sumrall will be hosting a Bible Study via conference call tonight at 6:00P.M. It is scheduled for an hour but may go over depending on the leading of the Holy Spirit. Join us tonight for a powerful time of the Word and His Presence. Brother Frank wi

Frank Sumrall- Intimacy With God- Part 3
June 23, 2014

Adam and I are VERY excited to announce that Frank Sumrall will be our guest Monday, June 23rd at 8:00P.M. on Fire Talk Radio. He will expound on his teaching on the subject of Intimacy With God. But as always, since we follow the Holy Spirit and do what

The Fire Of God Will Purge, Protect And Refine - Part 2 REPLAY
June 21, 2014

The differant aspects of the Fire Of God! Refining fire. Purging Fire. Protecting fire. Strange fire. Pentecost fire. Holy Ghost and fire, and much much more. Join us tonight as we share on the topic of the fire of God. We are gald you are joining us on t

Frank Sumrall- Intimacy With God, Part 2
June 16, 2014

Adam and I are VERY excited to announce that Frank Sumrall will be our guest Monday, June 16th at 8:00P.M. on Fire Talk Radio. He will expounding on his teaching on the subject of Intimacy With God. But as always, since we follow the Holy Spirit and do wh

Frank Sumrall- Intimacy With God REPLAY
June 14, 2014

Adam and I are VERY excited to announce that Frank Sumrall will be our guest on Fire Talk Radio. He will be teaching on the subject of Intimacy With God. But as always, since we follow the Holy Spirit and do what He wants, everything is subject to change.

Have You Had Your Own Personal Pentecost? REPLAY
June 13, 2014

In the Book of Acts Chapter 2 it speaks of the Day of Pentecost when everybody was in one accord and then suddenly there came a sound from Heaven as of a mighty rushing wind and there appeared unto them cloven tongues like as of fire that rested upon each