Fire Talk Radio

Fire Talk Radio

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Jesus, The Ultimate Healer - Part 2
November 08, 2014

Join me tonight as I continue my teaching series on Healing called Jesus, The Ultimate Healer. I will be teaching on Jesus’ Atonement. Atonement means reconciliation; reparation for an offense or injury. It is NOT God's Will for you to be sick or st

Jesus, The Ultimate Healer - Part 3
November 08, 2014

Today I am going to continue my teaching on Healing. Just like you exercise your body to become stronger, you also need to exercise spiritually in order to gain a stronger spirit which will keep you healthy. Join me tonight at 8:00P.M. (EST) as I expound

Twelve Pillars Of Faith- The Repentant Heart
November 07, 2014

January 2008 my Pastor taught an entire year of teachings surrounding different topics from the Pillars of the Christian faith. This month I am beginning a series on the Spiritual Heart. Tonight I will speak on The Repentant Heart. I will share on repenta

Cosmic Warfare 2- Dr. Frank Sumrall
November 04, 2014

Dr. Frank Sumrall will be continuing his teaching on The Book Of Daniel. He will pick up at Chapter 10. It is scheduled for an hour but may go over depending on the leading of the Holy Spirit. Join us tonight for a powerful time of the Word and His Presen

Healing is the Children's Bread- Dr. Frank Sumrall Part 12
November 03, 2014

Join me on Fire Talk Radio Monday, November 3rd, at 8:00P.M. Dr. Frank Sumrall and I will continue our teaching on the subject of healing. But as always, since we follow the Holy Spirit and do what He wants, everything is subject to change.  What po

Winning The Lost At Any Cost + Follow Up
November 01, 2014

Join me as I play an MP3 of Pastors Eric & Jennifer Gonyon entitled Winning The Lost At Any Cost. They teach how to lead someone to Christ using the methods of Power Evangelism. After that the follow Up Training by Pastors Rodney & Adonica Howard-Browne

Cosmic Warfare _ Dr. Frank Sumrall
October 28, 2014

Dr. Frank Sumrall will be continuing his teaching on The Book Of Daniel. He will paick up at Chapter 10. It is scheduled for an hour but may go over depending on the leading of the Holy Spirit. Join us tonight for a powerful time of the Word and His Prese

Healing is the Children's Bread- Dr. Frank Sumrall Part 11
October 27, 2014

Join me on Fire Talk Radio Monday, October 27th, at 8:00P.M. Dr. Frank Sumrall and I will continue our teaching on the subject of healing. But as always, since we follow the Holy Spirit and do what He wants, everything is subject to change.  What po

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October 22, 2014

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The Book Of Daniel-- Dr. Frank Sumrall
October 14, 2014

Dr. Frank Sumrall will be continuing his teaching on The Book Of Daniel. It is scheduled for an hour but may go over depending on the leading of the Holy Spirit. Join us tonight for a powerful time of the Word and His Presence. Brother Frank will lead us