Fire Talk Radio

Fire Talk Radio

Jesus, The Ultimate Healer - Part 4

November 08, 2014

Tonight I will be continuing my series entitled Jesus, The Ultimate Healer. Special programming, or just life has prevented me from the continuation of it. I have uploaded the first three parts back to back for your convenience. If you have not heard part 1 I highly recommend that you listen to it first as it is a prerequisite to all the other parts. 

Tonight I will be speaking about why healing is for now and it is for all. 

It is NOT God's Will for you to be sick or stay sick. He took all of our diseases on His body when he went to the cross of Calvary and died. Rising again in Victory triumphing over sickness, sin, death and Hell. Perfect and without sin Jesus paid the price for you and me so we could be free of ALL sickness and disease and be made whole.