Fire Talk Radio

Fire Talk Radio

I Did Not Die, But Lived! Hosted By Regis Andrews

September 13, 2014

Join me tonight at 8:00P.M. (EST) on Fire Talk Radio as Special Guest Regis Andrews ministers and shares his testimony of how God saved him multiple times from what should have been sudden death. 

Regis Andrews (pictured here with his beautiful wife Jody) was raised on the family farm in Pittsburgh, PA. Achieving Eagle Scout distinction, as a young boy, Regis honored GOD and loved his Country. A Graduate of the University of Pittsburgh and Eye & Ear Hospital, and the creator of Tufts University's Maxillofacial Clinic, this Catholic school educated man found himself, as the guest of a friend, in a New Hampshire Protestant Church at the age of 40. When the FIRE of GOD touched Regis in those special meetings, Regis ran to the altar. He received  Jesus Christ as his personal Lord and Savior and became an instant Evangelist! Called to see that all people may be ready for the soon coming King, the Lord Jesus Christ, Regis teaches a powerful prophetic series on a solid Biblical  Eschatological foundation. His question is always are YOU Rapture-Ready! 

Check out their website at

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