Fire On Your Head

Fire On Your Head

"Haves and have nots" Christianity

March 20, 2015

This week I recorded a spontaneous time of sharing my heart with you guys. Since the internet is all abuzz with the fact Creflo Dollar asked the body of Christ to help him buy a $65 million private jet for his ministry, I have mixed reaction. Since this was the type of thing that would take me way too long to sit down and write, and I don't have the time, I figured a podcast would be the best way to do that. 
So why does this missionary in a third world country think people need to leave Creflo alone? Or at least examine ourselves as to why we're irked about his request?Listen and find out. 
Lili and I have a campaign on to help raise money for our travel expenses later this year. Please visit this link if you’d like to partner with us to help us visit our family and be a blessing to other ministries and churches in North America later this year.