The Financial Wellbeing Podcast

The Financial Wellbeing Podcast

Episode 91 – Exploring ESG with Clémence Chatelin

October 31, 2022

Join the guys as they have a ‘live’ chat around ESG and investments. ESG is a nuanced topic – so we have the award winning expert Clémence Chatelin to help make sense of it all. Now, break out your crystal balls for No Shizzle Sherlock and enjoy a cheeky #tightasstommo money saving tip in the latest episode . . .

Welcomes & Introductions

Featuring live TV, a Wellbeing Champion of the Year and a deer!

Big congratulations to Tom Morris. A well deserved win for his work as director at the Institute for Financial Wellbeing, as presenter on The Financial Wellbeing Podcast and beyond.

What is todays podcast all about?

The guys unpack what ESG means and how it can be put into practice

The No Shizzle Sherlock Test

Buy low, sell high, repeat


Sounds easy right? The guys explain why most people are super unsuccessful


Batch cooking, no dog food waste and a brilliant tip from Colin Lowe using test cars to save money on chores

Interview with Clémence Chatelin

Introduction, how Clémence took her passion for financial planning and now brings sustainability into the investment process

What does ESG stand for?

A closer look at each area, ethical, sustainable and governance

ESG is a tool to help look at funds, but can be used differently by different people

What does as asset manager do?

Ethical aspect –

  • avoiding the worst with negativity screening
  • assessing well managed sustainability

Looking for a positive impact in the world, but companies are run by humans and humans are flawed. Invest to help direct a company look for opportunities to improve where possible

Anecdotal evidence of companies engaging with investors, but the news is not well publicised.

Buying into a sustainable fund is less about investments, but more about the stewardship and impact

What is stewardship?

CCLA, small stakeholder group with a BIG voice, a definitive group with set values

Why doesn’t everyone go for sustainable investing?

Shareholder voting – be savvy on the wording and avoid the greenwashing


It is less about what is in your portfolio and more about what the asset manager lobbies – need to work towards real world changes

If you would like to explore what Clémence Chatelin is doing at CCLA, click here to head over to the website.

Do you have any financial wellbeing questions you would like us to answer? Or do you have a #tightasstommo money saving tip you would like to share with our listeners?

If so, let us know by going to Twitter @Finwellbeing or email –

If you would like to purchase a copy of The Financial Wellbeing Book please click on this link to visit Penny Brohn UK shop
