Finish Well
Hurricanes & Homeschooling
In “Hurricanes & Homeschooling,” Episode, #171, Meredith Curtis shares her personal experience with hurricanes – preparation, weathering the storm, and aftermath – for a homeschooling family. She shares how to make the most of these extreme weather teachable moments by teaching science, geography, and life skills while the hurricane rages – not from books – from life! Set aside school work and learn practical science and geography while you prepare, endure, and clean up after the storm.
Powerline Productions, Inc.
Bringing Homeschool Joy to Families Everywhere!
Show Notes
Our Experience with Hurricanes – Highlights
- My first as a preschooler – rowing down our street as a preteen
- 2004 – Frances, Charlie, Ivan, Jeanne
- 2022 Hurricane Ian
Clean Tub and Fill with Water
- Remove outside furniture, decorations, potted plants – anything that could be lifted up
- Board windows
- Water – 1 Gallon Water per person x 3
- Coffee Pot and Coffee Pot for Grill
- Canned Food – tuna, soups, chicken, vegetables
- Dried fruits & jerkey
- Bread, peanut butter, honey
- Snacks – nuts, granola bars, crackers, chips
- Candles
- Flashlights
- NOAA weather radio
- Batteries
Grill Ready – Charcoal or propane
Check on elderly, widows, sickly – make sure they are ready for the storm
Make sure Generator is in working order (if you have one) and NOT in or near the house
Should You Evacuate?
Low-lying areas, near ocean or bay, trailer? YES!
Always go to higher ground, further inland
Learn about the Hurricane
Tropical Cyclones (Tropical Depression, Tropical Storm, Hurricane)
Track the Storm
Name, track, size, stability, cone
How hurricanes form and move
Why they often spin off tornadoes
Meteorologists share so much good information about hurricanes and the storm in particular
The day after, let emergency workers check roads, etc for downed powerlines, flooding, etc.
- Clean up debris in Yard
- Return outside furniture to outside and unboard windows
- Check for flooding, leaking, damage
While without power, play board games, talk, saving phone batteries
Help others – our family worked at a ministry afterward sorting clothes for tornado victims, cook a meal for someone without electricity if yours is back on, help the elderly get settled
National Hurricane Center (NOAA)
Free Tracking Maps
Florida’s Health Department has a neat pdf on the storms of 2004:
Rabbit Trails
Rescue missions
Army Corps of Engineers
Private Charities / Churches / Opportunities to Help / FEMA
How Flood & Home Insurance works
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