Finish Well

Finish Well

7 Classic Books Every Homeschool Mom Should Read

September 05, 2022
Finish Well Homeschool Podcast, Podcast #169, 7 Classic Books Every Homeschool Mom Should Read, with Meredith Curtis on the Ultimate Homeschool Podcast Network
7 Classic Books Every Homeschool Mom Should Read

In “7 Classic Books Every Homeschool Mom Should Read,” Episode, #169, Meredith Curtis shares her favorites with you – books that have inspired, equipped, and encouraged her. These books will change your life and your perspective. Grab a cup of tea or mug of coffee and learn about some classic books that you will want to read and reread again.


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The bookcase outside my door.

Books impact our lives. Some of my books are like special friends who have spoken into my life and brought forth something new.

L’Abri by Edith Schaeffer

Frances & Edith Schaeffer’s ministry in Switzerland.

Focus on creating a nurturing environment and ministering in and from the home.

For Better or Best by Gary Smalley

As a young couple, we attended this author’s conference and had our first introduction to the vast difference in the way men and women think. Also how different their needs are.

He also wrote If Only He Knew.

Shepherding a Child’s Heart by Tedd Tripp

My favorite book on parenting. It really shows how to parent by imitating Jesus as a shepherd of our children’s hearts.

Hidden Art of Homemaking by Edith Schaeffer

I love art and beauty and classic books. Edith opened my eyes to the true art involved in creating a home from interior decorating to fostering integration of ages, I love this book!

Creative Counterpart by Linda Dillow

A great book on how to be a wife from the relational to the practical including organization.

The Christian Family by Larry Christenson

Every Christian should read this book on the the how, what, and why of God’s design of the Christian family. Covers roles and responsibilities, including the family’s Saviour – Jesus and parent’s role in the spiritual nurture of their children.

Spirit of Loveliness by Emilie Barnes

Lovely inside and out, Emilie reminds us to add beauty in our world to fee our soul. I love all her books but this is my favorite!

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