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What Supreme Court Case?

November 01, 2021

What Supreme Court Case?
In “What Supreme Court Case?,” Episode, #147, Meredith Curtis brings on special guest Linda Salmon, a former prosecuting attorney, to discuss the upcoming Supreme Court case, Cobb v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization, scheduled for hearing on December 1, 2021. Mississippi, a sovereign state, has made a law to keep babies in the womb alive after 15 weeks gestation. The issue before the Court is whether this prohibition on abortion and whether all pre-viability prohibitions on elective abortion are unconstitutional.




Powerline Productions, Inc.
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Show Notes
What Supreme Court Case?

Cobb v Jackson Women’s Health Organization

Mississippi, a sovereign state, has made a law to keep babies in the womb alive after 15 weeks gestation. The issue before the Court is whether this prohibition on abortion and whether all pre-viability prohibitions on elective abortion are unconstitutional.
Focus of Case
Background including Mississippi law

How this got to the Supreme Court?

What will the Court decide?
Existing law on abortion in the US
How could this case impact or change abortion law?

State law and potential of changes to Roe v Wade.
Scheduled for hearing on December 1, 2021

Expected Decision
Christian Response
Why should I as a Christian care?

What Can I do?

How can I pray?

Intercessors for America  - they have an action resource and a prayer guide folks can have emailed to them if they give their email address.  The prayer guide includes daily calls with each state and the justices they are praying for specifically.  They also give a guide to praying for the clerks and the attorneys.

The ACLJ also has numerous  videos, and articles about this case including the European stand on abortion (protecting life for the most part and NOT recognizing a right to abortion; and also discussing the Biden administration’s continued support of the abortion industry and support of Planned Parenthood.  A great resource on the legal side of things

I read this and it’s done by a Christian ministry but I’d never heard of it before. Their page on the development of the fetus is really good.  Can only recommend lightly but it’s useful as a resource to understand where a baby is in development.

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