Finish Well

Finish Well

61 Ways to Teach It

October 05, 2021

61 Ways to Teach It
In “61 Ways to Teach It,” Episode, #145, Meredith Curtis gives homeschooling parents 61 teaching methods that work! Get out of a teaching rut and try out some new methods. From tried-and-true to out-of-the box, these 61 ways to teach your children will bring life to your homeschool adventure. Try a new teaching method this week.




Powerline Productions, Inc.
Bringing Homeschool Joy to Families Everywhere!

Show Notes
There is not just one way to teach a subject

There are so many out-the-box and tried-and-true ways to teach
Not Just One Way to Teach
Teaching Method Fit What You are Trying to Teach

Teaching Method Fit Child’s Learning Style

Teaching Method Fit Parent’s Learning Style

Combine Several Methods for Multi-Sensory Exposure
Ways To Teach

* Reading Aloud
* Living Books
* Literature
* Great Books & Historical Documents
* Historical Fiction
* Biographies
* Picture Books
* Textbooks
* Magazines
* Cookbooks
* Memorizing
* Workbooks
* Lectures
* Discussions
* Group Discussions
* Asking Questions
* Answering Questions
* Narration
* Taking Notes
* Outline
* Write a Letter or Email
* Write a Summary
* Writing Report
* Retelling Stories
* Telling Stories
* Writing Stories
* Reciting Poems
* Writing Poems
* Writing Paragraphs
* Writing Essays
* Essay into Blog Post
* Write Like a Reporter
* Research
* Research Project
* Audios
* Movies
* Documentaries
* Live Classes Online
* Classes on Dvd
* Educational Songs
* Visual Aids
* Role-Playing
* Create a Radio Show
* Make a Movie
* Interview
* Host a News Show
* Mapping
* Timelines
* Drawing
* Illustrating
* Cartooning
* Experimenting
* Nature Walks
* Collections
* Experiment
* Projects
* Read a Book Aloud
* Give a Speech
* Creating a Website
* Start a Blog
* Teach Younger Children


Don’t limit yourself anymore—step out of the same-old-same-old today!

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