Finish Well

Finish Well

Meaningful & Fun Ways to Celebrate Easter at Home

April 06, 2020

Meaningful & Fun Ways to Celebrate Easter at Home
In “Meaningful & Fun Ways to Celebrate Easter at Home” episode #110, Meredith Curtis answers the questions you have about how to celebrate this significant Christian celebration without gathering with other believers in person to rejoice. She will give you Scripture, worship, prayer, hands-on activities, read alouds, and movie ideas to make this Easter Week the most meaningful ever!




Powerline Productions, Inc.
Being World Changers, Raising World Changers!

Show Notes
Coronavirus lockdown gives us a challenge that we have never faced before.

Easter is the high holy day of Christendom!
Easter Week
Mary anoints Jesus for Burial

Palm Sunday

Jesus Clears the Temple

Passover/Communion/Jesus washes feet

Prayer in the Garden




The Church Celebrates!
How God’s People Celebrate: Extra services, dramas, processions, parades, sunrise services

How to celebrate with the larger Body of Christ:

Streaming your local church

Streaming another local church

If you don’t have a home church of your church isn’t streaming, please feel free to join us for our live stream each Sunday during the lockdown at 10 a.m. You can watch us here: Powerline Church.
Scriptures to Read each Day can be found in our Easter Devotions:

4 Gospels tell the story!
Jesus Clears the Temple
Jesus was disgusted to see the corrupt money changers in His temple. He overturned their tables in righteous anger. Afterward, He healed the blind and lame before returning to Bethany for the night.

House of Prayer/Court of the Gentiles vs. Shopping Mall

Cleaning Hearts

Cleaning Rooms

Watch Gospel of John
Story of Passover from Exodus

Would you like to celebrate the Passover & Learn more about it?

The Last Supper

Bread of Life/Wine is His Blood

Do this in remembrance of me!

Crafts & Activities: Elijah Cup, Bake Bread, Family Communion

Watch 10 Commandments
Prayer in the Garden
Jesus prays in the Garden for the church (John 17) and for the cup to be taken away; yet not His will, but His Father’s

All kinds of flower, plant crafts, Easter wreath

Try to pray together for one hour.
Arrest & Trial
Jesus is betrayed by Judas and is taken away to be tried by the Sanhedrin and then Roman courts.

Peter denies Jesus as the sun is coming up. Jesus is beaten and led off to be crucified.

Easter Egg Learning Activity
Events of His death—forgiving criminal, It is finished, earthquake, temple curtain torn in 2.

Act out the Easter Week story with robes and towels

Watch Passion (for older children only)
He is buried in a rich man’s tomb, fulfilling prophecy