Finish Well

Finish Well

Presidents Day Salute!

February 13, 2025
Finish Well Homeschool Podcast, Podcast #226, Presidents Day Salute!, with Meredith Curtis on the Ultimate Homeschool Podcast Network
Presidents Day Salute!

In “Presidents Day Salute!” episode #226, Meredith Curtis introduces you to her favorite Commanders-in-Chief along with their leadership style and impact on the USA and the world. The President of the USA is the most powerful man in the world. Yet, it is a taxing job fraught with constant conflict, difficult decisions, and extreme escapades. Grab your teens (or grab your parents) to learn some valuable life lessons from American History.




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Show Notes

The President of the USA is the most powerful man in the world. Yet, it is a taxing job fraught with constant conflict, difficult decisions, and extreme escapades. Look at pictures of Presidents before they took office and after. Being the President ages you!

George Washington

Not one to give eloquent speeches, people followed George Washington into battle because they trusted him as a man of faith, integrity, and wisdom. Boldly courageous, he treated everyone with respect and honor, making time each morning to pray and read the Bible. His humility and love for people inspired deep loyalty from people in battle, business, and later in politics.

Teddy Roosevelt

Sickly as a child, Teddy worked hard to get healthy and strong. A cowboy and war hero, he served as a NY assemblyman and NYC police commissioner. Thrust into the Presidency from his position as Vice-President when President McKinley died, he roared into his role as President. Roosevelt’s leadership style was ACTION! He was always learning, reading, and writing books. He believed in fighting for what you believe in.

Cal Coolidge

Calvin Coolidge became President when President Warren Harding died. Nicknamed Silent Cal, he was a man of principle, rather than charisma. Never flashy, he was responsible and thrifty. He vetoed every spending bill he thought unconstitutional bringing the deficit down to almost zero. He was also a good, decent man respected by all. During his years in office, he was one of the most popular Presidents to occupy the White House.

Dwight D. Eisenhower

A war hero, General Eisenhower led the massive invasion of Nazi-occupied Europe that started on D-Day when Allies stormed the beaches at Normandy. President of the US was his first political office and was elected to two terms. He excelled at strategy calling for a civilian space agency (NASA), interstate highways system (modeled after Germany’s autobahn), and cold war peace through strength. As a leaders “Ike” was likeable, optimistic, humble, and purposeful. He took responsibility – “always be the first to apologize” and wrote an “in case of failure letter” before D-Day.

Ronald Reagan

Ronald Reagan loved people and had the best sense of humor! He told jokes about communism to communist dictators. How’s that for the power of humor? He was uncompromising and put America first, earning the love of Americans and respect of all other nations. He restored conservative values and pride in being an American after a decade of disappointment. His leadership strength was folksy communication that resonated with people, vision casting, trust, and expertise.

Fun ways to Celebrate President’s Day

  • Make food your favorite President liked/likes (George Washington – hot chocolate; John Adams – Apple Pan Dowdy; Thomas Jefferson – Macaroni & Cheese; James Madison – Virginia Ham; Andrew Jackson – Fried Apple Pies; Martin Van Buren – Oysters; Donald Trump – Cheeseburger & Diet Coke)
  • Have a Teddy Bear Tea to celebrate Teddy Roosevelt and find out why the Teddy Bear is named after him
  • Build a log cabin out of cinnamon sticks to celebrate Abe Lincoln who was born in a log cabin in Kentucky
  • Recreate Mt. Rushmore with modeling clay
  • Find out each President’s height
  • Visit their home/museum or Presidential library online
  • I love to teach my children about the Presidents each year on President’s Day. One way is to research 1 or 2 Presidents each year. Simply use our 45 Presidents of the USA Notebooking Pages for each President or research them online. These 1-page research pages make it quick and easy to learn about each President. Print out the pages you need – for each child or teen.
  • Don’t forget the Ladies. As Abigail Adams said, “Don’t forget the ladies!” And as my grandfather often quoted, “Behind every good man is a woman of excellence.” There are so many fascinating First Ladies to meet from the pages of history! Don’t forget to learn about them, too. You can purchase 50 First Ladies of the USA Notebooking Pages at PowerlineProd.

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Government: God's Blueprint/Man's Agenda by Meredith Curtis
American History Timeline
45 Presidents of the USA Notebooking Pages
50 First Ladies of the USA Notebooking Pages by Meredith Curtis


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The post Presidents Day Salute! appeared first on Ultimate Homeschool Podcast Network.

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