Finish It!
Latest Episodes
Ep. 253. You Are a Shark: Week 3 Alpha Horse Homebuddy
This week, Chris experiences a whole new feeling, Matt finally eats a human sort of, and the guys reveal their inner Animorphs! And they're stuck with them forever!
Ep. 252. You Are a Shark: Week 2 Draw a Snork from Memory Challenge 2023
This week, Chris gets to be a whole bunch of critters, Matt kicks the can with a mouthful of someone's butt, and someone IS A SHARK! Will it be all that we hoped? Sure!
Ep. 251. You Are a Shark: Week 1 If You Die as an Animal, You Die as an Animal
Happy new book week! This week, Chris feels rudely misled by the title, Matt's read is as short and brutal as the life of an actual wild animal, and both bros adopt special strategies to avoid making
Ep. 250. Spy for George Washington: Week 1 Breeches with Brette Midler
Happy Independence Day! The votes are in and we have a winner for our next read, but while we wait for it to physically arrive, let's start a July 4th tradition! Being sneaky for ol' Georgie!
Ep. 249. Indiana Jones and The Cult of the Mummy’s Crypt: Week 11 If a Woodchuck Could Give Shucks
This week, Chris gets taken to task by the author, Matt accidentally stumbles into something good, someone shows off their insane book-janitoring skills, and it's time to vote for the next book!
Ep. 248. Escape from Camp Run-For-Your-Life: Week 1 Ye Olde Slippery Brothers
The brothers are back! But after such a long time away, they're not quite ready to dive back in with Indy. It's time for a summer diversion! Chris starts a food fight with blue eggs! Matt jams a crowb
Ep. 247. Indiana Jones and The Cult of the Mummy’s Crypt: Week 10 Jellicles Never Forget
This week, Matt learns some new rules of mummy magic, Chris bears witness to a glorious feast, and cats are getting revenge all over the place!
Ep. 246. Indiana Jones and The Cult of the Mummy’s Crypt: Week 9 Here They Are In Person
This week, Chris goes left and adds another terrifying critter to his menagerie, Matt uncovers Dr. Salaam's super secret plan, and someone finally has their Sad Pizza Party! And it's gross!
Ep. 245. Indiana Jones and The Cult of the Mummy’s Crypt: Week 8 King Baloney
This week, Chris discovers an alternate reality, Matt gets rescued by a cool gal from Cincinnati, and someone gets beaten again and again with their own scepter!
Ep. 244. Indiana Jones and The Cult of the Mummy’s Crypt: Week 7 Torch Iron on the Tiger Hole
This week, Chris gets straight up ignored by Indiana Jones, Matt gets a big payoff on a little aside, and someone desperately heaves! And it's almost Finish It's 5th birthday! Also, mummy boats!