Finding Home Podcast

Latest Episodes
Episode 26- It’s Not About Real Estate Dum-Dum
My social psychosis continues as I try and figure out what I want to do with my little creation here. And in processing my craziness out loud I come to some conclusions. Hopefully they make any amount of sense as these conclusions will be the guidepost...
Episode 25- Childhood Trauma?
In my continuing efforts to figure out what the hell I am doing with this show I take a trip down memory lane…I think…at least I remember it that way…but I could be wrong. Oh well all we really have of the past is our memories,
Episode 24- New Year, New You?
My attempts to release an episode every week commence now, with shorter episodes in general, I have some thoughts about New Year’s attitudes and resolutions. You might hate them. Have a listen, let me know what you think. Much Love, Keith
Episode 23- Charlie Brown Is My Spirit Animal
Sometimes we don’t get all the things done, sometimes that happens around the Holidays, so sometimes we decide we’ll “get around to it.” This holiday season has been one of those times for me, so here is a quick episode.
Episode 22- Silicon Slopes Is A Stupid Name
Yes, I really think it is a stupid name. But I also think the growth of tech industry jobs is an overall positive for our community. Today I talk to Kevin Ernst about his Utah Story, the tech industry, and what he sees in the future.
Episode 21- Gratitude, Haiti, and I Don’t Understand Football
Happy Turkey Day and such! This episode I get a little in the weeds about gratitude and Haiti, I also touch on how little I understand football, which is very little. Subscribe man, you know you want to. To donate to Luke’s Fundraiser go here https://p...
Episode 20- What’s The Point?
Recently a good number of people have been asking why I do this thing… what’s the point? What’s the podcast even about? It’s a weird thing because the whole concept is a little bit “thinky.” So I sat back in my chair and lazily tried to describe to you...
Episode 19- Halloween Special
Happy Halloween! This week I wanted to do something a little different so I give you this Halloween Special, 3 stories from one of my favorite childhood book series’ Also a very special guest storyteller comes on the show to share an original story.
Episode 18- Cats, Corrections, and Identity Theft
What? Are you telling me I don’t know everything? Apparently I don’t and my good friend Tory comes on to tell me where I was wrong, also more things you can do to to avoid Identity Theft. She also loves Cats…like an unhealthy amount. Listen up,
Episode 17- Cancer Bites
This week I talk to Heather, Brandon and Raven of Cancer Bites about their upcoming event to raise funds for Huntsman Cancer Institute, this is one of my favorite events each year to support a fantastic cause,