Financial Aid Podcast

Financial Aid Podcast

Latest Episodes

Daily Aid 13: Jobcast Special - We are hiring!
September 25, 2008

Daily Aid 13: Jobcast Special - We are hiring! Student Financial Aid News Spelman College created the Starfish initiative to bridge the gap between aid and students. From

FAP876: Alliance for Young Artists and Writers Scholarship
September 24, 2008

FAP876: Alliance for Young Artists and Writers Scholarship Listen now: Expert Interview + Bryan Doerries, Associate Executive Directory, Programs, from The Alliance for Young Artists and Writers + Doerries on scholarships, writing, and support of creativi

Daily Aid 12: Planning for 2009 financial aid
September 23, 2008

Daily Aid 12: Planning for 2009 financial aid Student Financial Aid News From KSBY and

Daily Aid 11: 5 job trends that will keep you employed
September 22, 2008

Daily Aid 11: 5 job trends that will keep you employed In the midst of all the economic news, you may be wondering what to do, especially if you’re just getting into college now or are thinking about what life after colleg

FAP875: Financial aid shakeups, dashboards, pirates!
September 19, 2008

FAP875: Financial aid shakeups, dashboards, pirates! Student Financial Aid News Roundup Where to start? With the economy.

Daily Aid 10: Pell Grant shortages, jobcast job hunting dashboard
September 18, 2008

Daily Aid 10: Pell Grant shortages, jobcast job hunting dashboard Student Financial Aid News From the New York Times: Battered by a worsening economy, college

FAP Extra: Student loans, AIG, credit default swaps interview on Talk Radio News
September 17, 2008

I had the opportunity to discuss student loans and student lending, AIG, Lehman Brothers, Merrill Lynch, and explain the credit crisis on Talk Radio News, going into detail about credit default swaps, subprime, Alt-A, and leverage. Thanks to Dan Patterson

Daily Aid 9: Scholarship Hunter Dashboard
September 17, 2008

Daily Aid 9: Scholarship Hunter Dashboard News You Can Use iGoogle is a handy little interface for keeping things collected in one place if you use the Web a lot. Di

A chart to show the end of the credit crisis
September 16, 2008

When will this crisis end? The good news: There is an end in sight to the credit crisis and mortgage mess. The loans that have been issued in the past that are fueling this crisis will finally either stab

Daily Aid 8: Free textbooks, Student Loan ECASLA Continuance
September 16, 2008

Daily Aid 8: Free textbooks, Student Loan ECASLA Continuance Student Financial Aid News Chronicl