Financial Aid Podcast

Financial Aid Podcast

FAP410: Black Friday special, Workforce Investment Act Grant

November 24, 2006
FAP410: Black Friday special, Workforce Investment Act Grants, Top 5 Financial Concepts You MUST Understand, Natalie Gelman

Student Financial Aid News

+ A few tips on Black Friday.
+ Find out if that deal is really a deal - use SMS and your cell phone!
+ FruCall:
+ TicTap:
+ MobSaver:
+ Find coupons for online shopping!
+ The Consumerist lists top bargains!

Scholarship Update

Matthew Ebel calls in with a question about the Workforce Investment Act.

+ The Workforce Investment Act isn't one grant but a large series of programs.
+ Directory of programs
+ Most WIA programs are focused on employers, not necessarily employees
+ Most colleges, especially community colleges, have a vital role in these programs
+ Contact your college's financial aid offices and career centers to see what resources are available to you
+ Continuing education loans at or 866-229-8900
+ There are lots of government resources administered by other parts of the government for specific fields and requests
+ SBIR from the DoD for seed capital
+ NEA grants for artists and musicians
+ Individual states also have resources for small businesses and entrepreneurs

Eye on the Economy: Five concepts you MUST understand.

+ Supply and demand. An item in demand without sufficient suppply has a price which has no relation to its real value. Cases in point - PS3, Elmo TMX, and the real estate bubble. If you can predict demand, you can acquire supply early enough to make a return.
+ Arbitrage. Arbitrage is unequal pricing for equal things. For example, in Second Life, different currency exchanges have different rates and fees. If you can find Lindens for sale cheaper than you can sell them on a different exchange, you can make some money.
+ The power of compounding interest. The time value of money is important, but compounding interest is the time value of money squared. Put a dollar away today at 10% APR and you'll have $1.10 next year. Just by leaving that alone, the next year you won't have $1.20 - you'll have $1.21. The following year, $1.33. As each period of time passes, the gains of compounding interest are greater than the simple interest.
+ Business cycles. Supply and demand go in cycles. This is the fundamental predictor of demand - if you can understand the timing of markets, you'll know when to act and when to sit it out.
+ Cash flow. I've saved the best for last. No matter what, cash is king, and cash flow is the lifeblood of the kingdom. The day that income outpaces expenses in a repeatable, sustainable way is the day you have truly set foot on the path to being financially successful.

Podsafe Music
+ Natalie Gelman, Leave
+ Music via the Podsafe Music Network
+ Stop by our MySpace page!

+ Private student loans available at any time - visit
+ Stafford federal student loans at
+ Student loan consolidation at
+ FAFSA form online filing at
+ Financial Aid Podcast Show Notes at
+ The Financial Aid Podcast is a publication of the Student Loan Network.

Questions? Comments? Suggestions? Email me at financialaidpodcast {at} gmail {dot} com, visit, or call 877-328-1565 x529 or 206-350-1208. AIM: FinAidPodcast Add me to your iTunes by visiting

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