Rise of the Filmtrepreneur: The Entrepreneurial Filmmaking Podcast with Alex Ferrari

Rise of the Filmtrepreneur: The Entrepreneurial Filmmaking Podcast with Alex Ferrari

FT 005: Filmtrepreneur Origins - How to Make $90,000+ Selling a Short Film

July 10, 2019

Making a Short film can be tough but selling a short film can be impossible.  Here's my story on how I did both. I directed a small action short film a few years back called BROKEN I shot the short film on MiniDV Tape (yes I'm old) on the Panasonic DVX 100a, the indie film workhorse of its day.

My team and I filmed it in West Palm Beach Florida (not exactly the Mecca of the film industry) and it starred only local, unknown actors. Now once the filming was over I marketed the living hell out of that short film. It went on to screen at over 250 international film festivals, won countless awards and was covered by over 300 news outlets.

That little short film had a life of its own. I even got a review from legendary film critic Roger Ebert.

4 years later the revenue from this little short film is still coming in. I've probably have generated well over $90,000 selling that little short film over the years. All because I understood my marketplace and what it needed. I still make money on BROKEN and my other short films every week. I go into a deep dive on how I did this and discuss the Filmtrepreneur concepts and ideas that you can use today to make money with your films. Enjoy.