Fierce Marriage

Fierce Marriage

Fight Naked! How Fighting Well Can Help Build a Stronger Marriage

April 03, 2018

Fighting naked—both literally and figuratively—has been pivotal in helping us fight well. Yes, you can “fight well” in your marriage. Conflict, disagreements, frustrations, tension—none of this is new to marriage. That's what today's episode is all about.

Put two people in a covenant together, living in the same house for life, and conflict is inevitable. First, we'll explore and understand what the bible says about how to resolve conflict, then we’ll leave you with a few tangible ways to deal with conflict in a healthy way.

Couple's Challenge

Set aside some intentional time and discuss how you “fight.” Is it healthy? Is there a better way you could handle it? Do you notice any triggers? How are you responding and not reacting?

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