Fierce Calling

Fierce Calling

Gina Birkemeier: Breaking Free From Generational Dysfunction and Trauma

August 02, 2022

How does past generational dysfunction impact future generations? It can inform who someone becomes, what they believe about themselves, others, and even God. But here's the good news: DNA is not our destiny. Breaking free from generational dysfunction and trauma is possible because God redeemed us and our broken stories. We don't have to wear false labels, we are sons and daughters of the King.

My guest today is Gina Birkemeier LPC, and this conversation is packed full of golden-nugget truth. God's truth about who we are! We talk about her book Generations Deep: Unmasking Inherited Dysfunction and Trauma to Rewrite Our Stories Through Faith and Therapy and so much more!

I know what Gina shares will encourage, inspire, and definitely challenge you, so listen in while I have a chat with Gina Birkemeier.

By the Way...

Fierce Calling is on the Spark Network which can be found on the Edifi App!

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Favorite Quotes from Breaking Free From Generational Dysfunction and Trauma

"... and give themselves permission to put shame on a shelf--that has no place here ...""... that's why we need trauma informed therapists who work from a redemptive world-view, who understand God has wired us in such a way that the trauma is not meant to be part of our story.""The things that you think have disqualified you are the very things that qualify you in your specific, special story that is going to speak to someone out there.""... never underestimate the power of a ripple effect--one person that can heal can help heal so many other people--never underestimate that power." --Gina Birkemeier

Connect with Gina!

You can connect with Gina at and check out her book and helpful resources.

Generations Deep

More about Gina ...

Gina Birkemeier LPC

Gina Birkemeier is a licensed professional counselor with a master’s degree in psychology and theology from Covenant Theological Seminary and advanced training in trauma and techniques to help people heal. She’s also the author of Generations Deep: Unmasking Inherited Dysfunction and Trauma to Rewrite Our Stories Through Faith and Therapy, The Faithful Brain Ignited and Unconventional Self-Care: Healthfully Selfish Activities to Become More Effective in Your Daily Life and Relationships. Gina speaks and teaches on topics related to shame, generational trauma, and behavioral epigenetics. As a survivor of a false narrative and the trauma and dysfunction that helped create it, Gina’s goal is to shine a bright light on the idea that the story we tell ourselves the most is the one that becomes most true. Her passion is to help others heal from past hurts, slay shame, break unhealthy cycles and find freedom.

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