Fiction School

Fiction School

Latest Episodes

World Building and the Myth of Prewriting | Fiction School Podcast #45
January 07, 2015

Here are things that Tommy Zurhellen doesn’t believe in: Santa Claus. The Bermuda Triangle. The Ghost of Bear Bryant. And…prewriting. That’s right, ‘Schoolers.  There’s no such thing as prewriting, and there’s no such thing as preheating your oven.

The New Year’s Writing Resolutions Show, 2015 Edition | Fiction School Podcast #44
January 03, 2015

So, uh, yeah.  It’s been a while.  We resolve to not let so many days pass between shows in 2015 (until Baker’s twins come.  Might miss a few around then.).  We’re sorry we’ve been away, and we missed y’all. Anyway, today on the show,

Getting Writing Done When You’re In a Life Jam | Fiction School Podcast #43
November 25, 2014

Hey there–long time no see…er, hear.  Yeah, the irreverent professors of Fiction School have been a bit erstwhile with our podcast of late. But we’ve got good reasons, y’all.  We’re busy putting out books and getting famous and drinking margaritas on t...

Celebrate DRAGON DAY! Shameless Self-Promotion for Writers | Fiction School Podcast #42
October 20, 2014

It’s hard to come up with an idea for a story or novel, and it’s hard to write it, and it’s hard to edit it.  But what might be the hardest thing? Getting people to pay attention to your writing. This week,

Audiobooks are Awesome, and How To Get Your Work Into Audio | Fiction School Podcast #41
October 09, 2014

Remember how, when you were a kid, you loved having a story read to you?  You loved hearing a story out loud?  There was just something about it, some soothing magic, that only a story told out loud can provide. - But, hey, now that you're all grown up,

Working With Editors, When To Listen and When To Ignore Them | Fiction School Podcast #40
October 03, 2014

We got a great question from Casey, a Fiction School listener who won a flash fiction contest (GO CASEY!  Fiction School congratulates you on overcoming your listening of our podcast in order to win.  We take no credit.). In the glory of his win,

Reading Your Work to Strangers and Promoting Your Fiction | Fiction School Podcast #39
September 24, 2014

One magical summer, two writers who’d been friends forever decided to raise a little hell.  They piled boxes of books, some camping gear, a few changes of clothes, and a cooler full of sauerkraut and beer into the back of a Camry.

Plot vs. Character, Deepening Fiction with Subplot, and Giraffes | Fiction School Podcast #38
September 17, 2014

Tommy’s freaking out.  He left a  bouquet of flowers to surprise his girlfriend, but he’s worried that some wild giraffe or wolf or leprechaun is going to steal them or eat them or something. And somehow this relates to a good question from listener Ch...

Announcing Jody’s New Book BOMBSHELL, Staying Nervous as a Writer and Releasing Your Work | Fiction School Podcast #37
September 10, 2014

Writers all dream of that day when their book goes out into the world. Your first one is special, but it never gets old, either.  This week on the show, we’re celebrating Jody’s latest book release, Bombshell (published with Cosmo Red-Hot Reads from Ha...

To MFA or Not? The Back-To-School Special | Fiction School Podcast #36
September 05, 2014

To kick off Season Two as we go back to school, we talk about going back to school, MFA style. We got a good question from listener Andrea: What are the benefits of getting an MFA or joining writers's workshops? Do you think it's necessary to writing? A